Kniha návštěv

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Anonym (bez ověření), 14.02.2017 07:13:19

Of the six haut-de-gamme rose gold Reverso models constructed to help JLC watchmakers “relearn” complications lost during the Quartz Crisis, the caliber 829 Reverso Chronograph ranked among the most challenging to design. That landmark watch, a rarely seen edition of 500 units, lends its „heart“ to the Gran’Sport Chronograph. For an unassuming used watch bargain, the Gran'Sport Chronograph boasts an impressive pedigree. The caliber 859's complication operates with the crisp action of a classical column-wheel chronograph, and the novelty value of watching two parallel dials operating independently is great fodder for conversation with fellow watch fans. Due to the limited distribution network of pre and early-Richemont Jaeger-LeCoutre watches, the owner of a Gran’Sport Chronograph is guaranteed to enjoy a measure of exclusivity.